Grid - atom description
Revision as of 13:19, 12 February 2021 by Polarski.nepos (talk | contribs) (→Properties description)
General description
- Grid atoms represent type of terrain on a vertex of any tiles.
- They do not hold graphical representation.
- Surface atoms hold the graphical representation, but used Surface atom is determined by Grid atoms in its four vertices.
- In the image above they are the red rects.
- Left and bottom Grit atoms are of type soil and top and right are of type desert, so the result Surface atom is transition from soil to desert.
Properties description
Name | Type | Default value / Obligatory |
Description |
name | locale string | obligatory | Name of the grid type. Shown only in map editor. |
is_water | bool | false | Determines if this Grid is accessible by ships. |
water_power | int | 0 | Determines how big is the surroundings in which this tile can irrigate other tiles. |
water_repellent | bool | false | Water repelent tiles cannot be irrigated by no means. |
supported_subsoils | string | obligatory | Sequence of characters which describes all subsoils which represents this Grid. |
surface_representant | atom<Grid> | null | Grid atom which is used, instead of this atom, for determination of Surface type. |