Mission - atom description

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General description[edit]

  • Mission atom is the main atom of any mission.
  • It contains all settings of the mission or links to other atoms containg mission settings.

Properties description[edit]

Name Type Default value /
description atom[Description Mission] obligatory Mission description atom.
first_residents_event atom[Event] obligatory Event atom for the first incoming settlers.
leaving_residents_event atom[Event] obligatory Event atom for the leaving settlers.
returning_residents_event atom[Event] obligatory Event atom for the returning settlers.
no_path_residents_event atom[Event] obligatory Event atom when settlers are not able to reach empty houses.
map atom[Map] obligatory Mission map atom.
prestige atom[Prestige] obligatory Mission prestige atom.
requests vec_1D[atom[Request]] obligatory Mission requests.
demands vec_1D[atom[Demand]] obligatory Mission demands (royal requests).
base_mods vec_1D[string] obligatory Base mods of this mission. All terrains data from these mods will be available in this mission.
map_mod_override string empty Map file mod path override. If non empty then the game will look for the mission map file in this mod data.
allowed_buildings vec_1D[atom[Building]] obligatory All available buildings in the mission.
allowed_monuments vec_1D[atom[Monument]] obligatory All available monuments in the mission.
allowed_templates vec_1D[atom[Mn Template]] obligatory All available monument templates in the mission.
target_population int 0 Population objectives.
target_money int 0 Money objectives.
target_prestige int 0 Prestige objectives.
target_level_atoms vec_1D[atom[House Level]] empty vec House level objectives atoms.
target_level_counts vec_1D[int] empty vec House level objectives values.
target_goods_atoms vec_1D[atom[Goods]] empty vec Goods objectives atoms.
target_goods_counts vec_1D[int] empty vec Goods objectives values.
target_monument_atoms vec_1D[atom[Mn Category]] empty vec Monument objectives atoms.
target_monument_counts vec_1D[int] empty vec Monument objectives values.

Properties in detail[edit]


  • Mission map file location detemined automaticaly by mod and mission name.
  • Change this property through a mod to make the game load mission map file from other mod. Typically from the mod changing this property.


atom ('mission.nz.11',
    description = 'mission.description.nz.11',

    first_residents_event = 'event.first_residents',
    leaving_residents_event = 'event.leaving_residents',
    returning_residents_event = 'event.returning_residents',
    no_path_residents_event = 'event.no_path_residents',
    intro_event = 'event.intro.nz.11',
    money_events = {'event.money.nz.11', 'event.money.nothing'},

    allowed_buildings = ac(
        nature_buildings, ac(
        irrig_buildings, {
    allowed_monuments = {
    allowed_templates = {

    base_mods = {"base"},
    map = 'map.nz.11',
    prestige = 'prestige.nz.11',
    requests = {'request.nz.11.a', 'request.nz.11.b', 'request.nz.11.c'},
    demands = {},

    target_population = 24000,
    target_prestige = 1440,
    target_level_atoms = {
    target_level_counts = {
    target_monument_atoms = {
    target_monument_counts = {